We have a passion for creating jewelry that is meaningful to our clients. That means giving him or her exactly what they want. It's very rewarding to see the smile on a client's face when you first present them with their newly-created masterpiece -- there's nothing quite like it!
As a private-appointment jeweler we meet with you whenever and wherever you choose - our home office, at a local coffee shop, over email, texting, etc.
We've been privileged to serve clients all over the US and some foreign countries - some whom we've not even met face-to-face. Our ability to work with a new client through email to create new designs and manufacture exactly what they order has served us and our faithful customer base well over the years.
So, if you're looking for something that fits your style, then you just might be able to find it here. We will give you undivided attention and our promise that we'll work very hard to make your experience with us a pleasant one. It's that simple.